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This sudden choice of suicide as a remedy should be condemned... suicide is cowardice! Why take a life you cannot give? Why kill yourself over something that can be overcome by talking to the right people? 

The other day, a school girl killed herself; over not being loved by family...  Is it compulsory that your family must love you? How many families are united? What happened to self love?

Yesterday, it was a Lagos-based DJ allegedly killing himself for the excuse that his wife left him... 

Are you kidding me?

If your wife left you, will your killing yourself bring her back? Are there no other women around? Were you not living when you met her? Are you not aware of many women out there looking for a man to cling to? How does your death change anything?

Do you know how many men/ women that have been deserted by their spouses just this month alone, but they have not killed themselves.

If your wife or husband deserts you, it should be his/her loss and does not call for taking your life to prove a point...

Same yesterday, a man hung himself in Enugu...

More annoying is the fact that the reasons these suicide cases advance are rather very comical when dissected... 

It's all very ridiculous... considering the fact that it is only death that does not have a solution...

Yes, depression is real, considering the harsh economy and all that, but talking helps too. When you feel low and unsure of yourself, especially your mental state, talk to a psychologist.

Talk to a guidance and counselor...

Talk to your pastor, Imam or religious leaders...

Talk to experts...

Suicide is not an option... it is cowardice... QED!


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