A Policeman, Inspector Monday Gabriel, went berserk, in Ikoyi area of Lagos, opening fire on his colleagues, killing one of them in the process, while others sustained bullet wounds. The Police officer, Gabriel, attached to Squadron 21 of the Police Mobile Force, Abuja, was on Special duty at the Federal Inland Revenue Service in Ikoyi area of the state with other colleagues. There was reportedly a disagreement between him and his colleagues, over an unknown reason, when he suddenly opened fire on them, killing one of them, Sergeant Felix Okago, on the spot, while others managed to escape with bullet wounds. Thereafter, he hijacked the team’s escort van, shooting as he zoomed off. But the white van reportedly got stuck, at Akoka, Yaba. Unable to move further, he came out and attempted to force his way into a building but could not. He was said to have released several shots which perforated the metallic door of the building, in his attempt to go in, causing frighte...